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Oct 14 2021

Director visits A400M Seville Satellite Offices

OCCAR-EA Director, Matteo BISCEGLIA, accompanied by the A400M PM, Gary Palmer, visited the Seville staff in charge of A400M Aircraft Acceptance and Deliveries.

This visit was an opportunity to meet with Airbus Executive Managers. The day started with a meeting where Airbus explained its sustainability objectives for its Commercial business and detailed how the military business was shared in Spain, with MMF and Eurofighter (Getafe), Tiger and NH90 (Albacete), CASA 295 and A400M (Seville).

This was followed by a visit of the Final Assembly Line (FAL) in Seville where the A400M Aircraft is assembled and a detailed presentation of all its capabilities was provided by Airbus. The OCCAR delegation was then given the opportunity to go on-board and see the cockpit and the impressive Cargo hold first hand.

The visit was also the opportunity to visit the newly refurbished Airbus offices dedicated to our Nations’ use. The OCCAR Director was also asked to cut the ribbon to officially inaugurate this new facility.

At any given time, the new offices can host acceptance and delivery staff from up to three different Nations from the seven Nations involved in the initial DPP contract (DE, FR, ES, UK, TR, BE and LU). Together with the seven OCCAR Staff Members, they make up the Buyer Delivery Team (BDT). 98 Aircraft have been already accepted by the BDT under OCCAR’s lead.

This was a comprehensive visit where the OCCAR-EA Director was able to see the A400M Aircraft, the newly refurbished Nations’ facility, visit the A400M IAADR section (Individual Aircraft Acceptance Delivery and Retrofit Support) and its functionality first hand.

you want to learn more about the A400M programme, please visit our website.

Story by OCCAR


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