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Applying for OCCAR posts

The OCCAR Management Procedure OMP 9 describes rules and procedures to be applied for recruitment of personnel to OCCAR-EA posts.

Vacancies and Application Form

OCCAR-EA offers various jobs including business management, commercial and financial roles, ICT functions, human resources management and secretariat (particularly within the OCCAR-EA Central Office). We also offer posts with an operational and user focus in the programmes. In OCCAR-EA programme divisions these are very similar to roles you would expect to find in a National armaments project team; covering responsibilities like technical, acceptance/ certification, engineering, programme management, risk management, logistics, contracts management, finance management, etc.

Occasionally we hold OCCAR Induction Courses for staff in national MoDs, so if you see these advertised, please apply because candidates have found it very useful and informative.

As all posts are filled by fixed term contracts, so for example most new staff members are offered a 3 year contract, which is extendable (subject to business need and staff member’s performance). So with a steady turnover of staff we are continually advertising posts, although there is a peak in the 1st quarter of a new year when we are looking to fill posts in August/ September.

OCCAR-EA vacancies and application forms are usually not published on our website. Instead, OCCAR Member States and OCCAR programme Participating States will publish the OCCAR-EA vacancies within their respective National Administration (in the responsibility of the National Ministry of Defence).

Only if no suitable candidate is identified through this process, an external advertisement may be launched through the press and other media. In these cases you can find the vacancies and further detail here.


Recruitment Guidance Notes

In order to assist potential applicants, guides are provided below.


PO Box 2107
53011 Bonn / Germany

+49 (0) 228 55020


Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673