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The TIGER Variants

The HAP and UHT are in service since 2005. The HAD variant was launched later, with a qualification to be achieved in 2014. As of today more than 65 flying European TIGERs and 22 Australian ARH have been produced and delivered to customers.

HAP (France and Spain)

The HAP is an escort and close air support helicopter for the French and Spanish Armies, featuring also air-to-air capability. In this combat support role, its 30 mm turreted gun offers air-to-ground short range firing capability, complemented by the 68 mm rockets for medium to long range and the possibility to target air threats with the MISTRAL missile.

The French version of this TIGER has continuously been deployed in Afghanistan since 2009; it also proved its precise and versatile combat capabilities in the Lybian conflict in 2011. Operating from the French assault vessel “Tonnerre”, the HAP presented remarkable deployment flexibility not only from shore but also under the challenging weather and naval circumstances off-shore.

The HAP “STRIX” roof-mounted sight provides a gyro stabilized platform with an infrared camera, charge coupled device television camera, a laser rangefinder and direct optical sight.


Main Missions: Force Protection, Air-to-Air


  • Chin-mounted 30 mm gun 
  • MISTRAL air-to-air missiles 
  • 68 mm air-to-ground rockets

Other Capabilities: STRIX Roof Mounted Sight

UHT (Germany)

Originally designed for typical cold-war anti-tank mission, the German Unterstützungshubschrauber TIGER (UHT) features a high-end mission equipment package with high-performance mast-mounted sight coupled to TRIGAT – Pars 3 LR air-to-ground missile.

The 12.7 mm gun pods under the UHT wings as well as 70 mm rockets and HOT missiles present striking short range arguments as well. The air self-defence is ensured by STINGER missiles.

The German TIGER accomplished its deployment to Afghanistan in the frame of the Stabilisation German Army Rapid Deployment (ASGARD) from December 2012 to June 2014. A selected number of TIGERs have been modified with regards to additional ballistic protection, engine air particle separation, mission data recorder, SatCom and various software improvements.


Main Mission: Force Protection, Air-To-Ground/Anti Tank


  • 12.7 mm wing gun pods 
  • STINGER air-to-air missiles 
  • HOT/TRIGAT air-to-ground missiles 70 mm 
  • HYDRA air-to-ground rockets

Other Capabilities: OSIRIS Roof Mounted Sight

HAD (France, Spain)

Following the entry of Spain on the TIGER Programme in 2004, a major improvement of mission capabilities was launched under the HAD variant with the integration of two air-to-ground missiles.

On the one hand, the visible/infra-red, optionally wire-guided “Spike” from RAFAEL allows seeing the approaching target from the missile point of view and steering the missile precisely until impact or using the fire-and-forget mode.

On the other hand, the HELLFIRE from Lockheed Martin is a combat proven and efficient laser-guided missile, combined either with a TIGER autonomous designation (improved STRIX roof-mounted-sight) or with an external designator.

Other major features contributing to enhance the configuration are such as the Enhanced Engine MTR 390-E (allowing 14% more power), improved ballistic protection from Kevlar, mode 5 IFF or the new HAD-E Electronic Warfare System (EWS).


Main Mission: Force Protection, Reconnaissance, Air-to-Air, Air-to-Ground 


  • Chin-mounted 30 mm gun 
  • MISTRAL air-to-air missiles 
  • 68 mm air-to-ground rockets 
  • 70 mm air-to-ground rockets 
  • SPIKE air-to-ground missile (ES) 
  • HELLFIRE II air-to-ground missile (FR)

Other Capabilities: Strix Roof Mounted Sight, enhanced engine, additional ballistic protection.


PO Box 2107
53011 Bonn / Germany

+49 (0) 228 55020


Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673