Copyright: © OCCAR-EA, all rights reserved HAP-F, UHT and HAP-E
The TIGER Programme
The TIGER helicopter is a new generation multi-role combat helicopter fully developed in Europe and currently in service in France, Germany, Spain and Australia. It was designed from a common platform complemented with different elements building a number of variants tailored to the customer requirements.
The TIGER programme was initially a programme between France and Germany for the acquisition of anti-tank and support helicopter systems in response to common military requirements. Three versions were initially identified: HAP (Hélicoptère d’appui et protection), HAC (Hélicoptère anti Char) for France and the PAH2 (Panzerabwehrhubschrauber 2).
In 2014 and 2015, Nations decided to adapt their fleet with the following consequences:
Germany reduced its target from 80 to 68 UHT helicopters.
- France reduced its HAD target from 40 to 31 but in the meantime decided to retrofit 36 HAPF into HADF to have one common standard fleet.
- And Spain decided not to retrofit their 6 initial HAP to get a fleet of 6 HAP and 18 HAD.
The Programme was placed under OCCAR responsibility since its legal status was achieved in 2001.
In 2004, Spain joined the programme and its specific requirements for the platform led to the definition of a new version: HAD (Helicóptero de Ataque y Destrucción).
Finally, France contracted 40 HAP and 40 HAD (HAC variant was cancelled), Germany 80 UHT (Unterstützungshubschrauber Tiger) and Spain 24 HAD.
In 2001, the Australian Government ordered 22 TIGER helicopters in the variant ARH (Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter).
The co-operation with Australia, has been formalized in 2009, granting Australia an Observer Status in the TIGER programme.
For optimising the commonalties and reducing the costs, all versions of the TIGER have been developed from a common "basic helicopter". The "basic helicopter" corresponds to the vehicle development and to the basic avionics. It includes a GPS/Doppler navigation system coupled with a digital map generator. An accurate automatic flight control system with sophisticated upper modes allows decreasing the pilot workload in adverse conditions. Additionally, IFF, electronic counter measure, radio communication and radio navigation are managed by the basic system.
The TIGER is manufactured by Airbus Helicopters and is built in three different European versions at three different Final Assembly Lines in Germany, France and Spain.
Nations have initiated the discussions regarding the Tiger mid-life upgrade with the aim to have the first H/C delivered in this up-to-date standard by 2025/2026.
TIGER Participating States
Observer: Australia