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Nov 3 2022

OCCAR-EA Director attended the convention on Common European Defence in Syracuse


On Friday 28 October 2022, OCCAR-EA Director Matteo Bisceglia attended a high-level event titled ‘Sicilia, Mediterraneo, Europa – le sfide dell’energia e della sicurezza’, held in Syracuse, Italy.

The event focused on the importance of cooperation within the Defence sector and governments’ intention to work towards common European defence strategies, which transcend national borders.

OCCAR-EA Director joined a panel of experts, which saw the participation of the Italian Minister of Defence Guido Crosetto, Gen. Camporini, former Chief of the Italian Defence Staff, Prof. Michele Nones, Vice President Institute of International Affairs and was moderated by Mr Tom Kington from the Times and Defence News.

The Director presented a structured and strategic approach to be adopted to bolster future cooperation whilst highlighting the OCCAR’s role in fostering innovation and technology advancements in order to allow Nations to be able to tackle future threats.


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