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Jul 2 2024

OCCAR presents Eurodrone Air Traffic Integration Strategy at 17th ESMAB

Brussels, 2 July 2024 - OCCAR-EA was invited to present a briefing on a panel entitled “Unlocking the European Sky to drones” during the 17th policy level meeting of the EDA Single European Sky Military Aviation Board (ESMAB)

It was an excellent opportunity for OCCAR-EA to present to ESMAB civil and military stakeholders the strategy followed by the MALE RPAS (Eurodrone) Programme highlighting in particular the ongoing accommodation efforts toward Unmanned Aircraft System’s integration in the airspace as well as promoting the definition of a Communication, Navigation and Surveillance operational network, that will guarantee the continuity of military operations and training.

Emphasis was placed on the ongoing collaborative work within the MALE RPAS Stakeholder Advisory Group where OCCAR and Industry continuously highlight the need to go one step further on the definition of specific regulations, standards and procedures enabling a full airspace integration aiming at providing a high level of freedom in ISTAR operations planning and execution.

Story by OCCAR


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