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Jun 24 2024

MUSIS Contract Amendment 3 for In-Service Support Signed

BONN, Germany, 24 June 2024 - The Third Contract Amendment of MUSIS CIL (MUlti-national Space-based Imaging System - Common Interoperability Layer) was signed at the OCCAR-EA premises in Bonn, Germany.

The OCCAR-EA Director, Mr. Joachim Sucker, on behalf of the MUSIS Participating States (France and Italy) signed this amendment, along with the MUSIS Industrial Consortium created by Telespazio and Airbus Defence and Space. This Consortium was represented by Mr. Giuseppe Lenzo, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales of Telespazio.

This Amendment will allow the start of the In-Service Support (ISS) of the MUSIS CIL after the performance of the Regular Service Verification (RSV).

The objective of MUSIS FA (Federating Activities) is to provide FR and IT easy, reliable and secure access to each Nations individual capabilities, e.g., satellite tasking and image production, thus enabling cross utilisation of two complementary space systems CSO (France) and CSG (Italy).

Story by OCCAR


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