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Dec 13 2021

MUSIS 2nd contract amendment signatured

On 13th December 2021 the Second Contractual Amendment (CA N.2) for MUSIS (MUltinational Space-based Imaging System) Programme was signed between OCCAR-EA, on behalf of MUSIS Partner Nations (Italy and France), and the Industrial Consortium created by Thales Alenia Space – Italy and Airbus Defence and Space.

This new contractual amendment covers the implementation of additional requirements to make the Common Interface Layer (CIL) security architecture more robust guaranteeing, in the same time, a high level of confidentiality and a significant degree of flexibility for a better user’ satisfaction.

MUSIS Programme is currently in its in factory integration and testing phase. After the positive completion of the in factory test activities, the system will be deployed on the operational sites to start the integration and test activities on the target platforms and to assess the behaviour of the system in operational conditions.

The full operational capabilities will be achieved during the second half of 2023.

If you want to learn more about the MUSIS programme, please visit our website.

Story by OCCAR


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Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673