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Mar 24 2023

MMF declared IOC Hand Over from OCCAR to NSPA

MMF reached its Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and celebrated this with a VIP Event in Eindhoven on 23 March 2023.

MMF VIP Event: OCCAR-EA Director Joachim SUCKER in the middle of high representatives; from left to right: DE State Secretary (Siemtje Möller). Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency (Jiří Šedivý), NATO Secretary General (Jens Stoltenberg), EU Commissioner for the Internal Market (Thierry Breton), OCCAR-EA Director (Joachim Sucker), NL Minister of Defence (Kajsa Ollongren)

“This fleet has already proven its value and it is the backbone of NATO's airpower. In 2022 alone, this fleet flew more than 500 missions, refuelling hundreds of fighter jets that keep Allied airspace safe. I would like to thank the NATO Support and Procurement Agency, the European Defence Agency and OCCAR for working together to develop this state-of-the-art fleet”, Mr Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General.

Only six years ago, the Netherlands and Luxemburg signed a Memorandum of Understanding to pool and share Air-to-Air Refuelling, Air Transport and Medical Evacuation capabilities. Subsequently joined by Germany, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic, the six Partner Nations formed the Multinational MRTT Unit (MMU). Today, the operational flying unit operates seven Airbus A330 MRTT aircraft from two operating bases in Eindhoven (NL) and Cologne (DE).

MMF (Multinational MRTT Fleet), one of the most successful and complex cooperative programmes left OCCAR and was handed over from OCCAR to NSPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency).

MMF Hand Over: OCCAR-EA Director Joachim SUCKER handed over the MMF Programme to NSPA Acting General Manager Paul HAMMOND.

The acquisition of seven A330 MRTTs was carried out by the OCCAR-EA, under the aegis of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The NSPA is also responsible for the In-Service Support of the fleet on behalf of the six Partner Nations. OCCAR-EA delivered seven aircraft, two years of Initial-ISS and 13 negotiated Contract Amendments within time, budget and performance! Key factor in this success was the MMF Nations’ trust in the ability of NSPA and OCCAR-EA to manage the programme efficiently and effectively. The programme is a perfect example for successful cooperation between EDA, OCCAR and NSPA.

If you want to learn more about OCCAR and its programmes, please visit our website.

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