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Jan 21 2025

IAV 2025 OCCAR Presents Latest BOXER Programme Status and First British-produced BOXER Vehicle Unveiled

International Armoured Vehicles (IAV) Conference 2025, Farnborough, UK, 21–23 January 2025 – An exciting milestone for the BOXER Programme has now been achieved, with OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) having delivered the first British-produced BOXER vehicle to the UK customer, working in close coordination with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Equipment & Support. 

This was unveiled during IAV 2025 by the UK Minister for Defence Procurement & Industry, and symbolises two additional BOXER production lines based in the UK, one at Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL) in Telford and one at KNDS UK in Stockport, now coming to maturity. This will significantly increase BOXER production capacity and further strengthens the supply chain by onboarding and qualifying further suppliers.

During the IAV 2025, the OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) BOXER Programme Manager, Alexandra Alonzi MSc MSci, also had the opportunity to present the latest status of the BOXER Programme to a varied international audience from across governments and industry, including activity underway on current workstreams as well as active new procurements.

OCCAR presented alongside wider stakeholders in the BOXER enterprise, including British Army, Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) and ARTEC, perfectly representing the close work and engagement between all these organisations to deliver the BOXER Programme from concept and development through to delivery and in service support.

The Mechanised Infantry Vehicle Senior Responsible Owner from the British Army, Mr. Martyn Williams ChPP CEng provided excellent messaging about the importance and significance of international cooperation on the BOXER Programme, whilst the DE&S National Programme Coordinator for the BOXER Programme, Mr. David Russell OBE, provided a positive overview of the outstanding performance seen in the BOXER user trials over the last 12 months. The feedback and positive interest that BOXER generated demonstrates the outstanding reputation and capability of the vehicle, and

OCCAR is proud to be supporting the BOXER Nations to deliver the current programme of work as well as supporting the procurement of the next generation of BOXER variants and capabilities.

Story by OCCAR


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