Paris, June 14, 2024 -The
Hypersonic Defence Interceptor System (HYDIS) Kick-off Meeting (KoM) took place
at the premises of MBDA France. This event brought together all stakeholders from
the European Commission (EC), the HYDIS Participating States (PS), comprising France,
Germany, Italy and the Netherlands and the coordinator of the HYDIS² study
consortium composed of 19 industrial partners from five Nations (DE, ES, FR, IT
and NL).
This KoM sets the framework for
the three (3) year concept phase programme dedicated to the design of various
interceptor concepts and the maturation of the main critical technologies to
deliver the best interception solution to fulfil Participating States’ needs.
Following the contract signatures
on the 15
May, 2024, OCCAR-EA has been entrusted to manage the HYDIS
Programme from the EC and the HYDIS PS, has highlighted the key objectives of
this ambitious programme to promote cooperation and interoperability.
The KoM concluded with a
challenging calendar to pave the way forward for Europe’s resilience and
sovereignty against hypersonic threats.
“The Hypersonic Defence Interception Study” (HYDIS²) is a project co-funded
by the European Union, under the European Defence Fund, and by four
Participating States (PS) comprising France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands.
OCCAR has been entrusted by the European Commission (EC) for the indirect
management of the action by the signature of a Contribution Agreement. OCCAR,
as Contracting Authority, has signed a grant agreement and the associated
Linked Procurement contract with the HYDIS² consortium to implement the programme,
respectively on behalf of EU and the PS.
Read more about the HYDIS
Programme here:
Co-funded by the
European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s)
only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European
Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held
responsible for them.