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Sep 5 2023

German MoD Head of Human Resources, Lt Gen von Heimendahl, visits OCCAR-EA premises in Bonn, Germany

Bonn, 5 September 2023 - OCCAR-EA Director, Mr. Joachim Sucker, welcomed Lt Gen von Heimendahl, the German MoD´s Head of Human Resources, to the OCCAR-EA premises in Bonn, Germany. During their bi-lateral consultations, the Director presented OCCAR´s organisation, programming and business model.

Lt Gen von Heimendahl also took the opportunity to visit with and engage in an open exchange forum with German personnel members seconded to OCCAR from the German MoD currently serving at the OCCAR Bonn Site. Discussions were fruitful and considered informative by all in attendance with further consultations planned for the future to encourage ongoing dialogue and exchange.

Story by OCCAR


PO Box 2107
53011 Bonn / Germany

+49 (0) 228 55020


Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673