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Sep 19 2022

ESSOR Programme Division attended the biennial FKIE-technology forum 2022

The ESSOR Programme Division attended the biennial FKIE-Technology forum 2022 »Technologien & Systeme furden Einsatz« (engl. Technologies and Systems for Deployment), hosted by the Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE) in Wachtberg, Germany. The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is Europe's largest application-oriented research organization with over 76 institutes, over 30,000 employees and research facilities throughout Germany.

In the near future, the ESSOR Programme of OCCAR and the FKIE intend to increase the level of collaboration in order to synergize efforts within the framework of NATO line-of-sight communication standards.

ESSOR PM with other participants to the event
[f.l.t.r. Rhega Wenske (ESSOR PD, OCCAR), BrigGen Michael Hauschild (Information Technology Director, BAAINBw ), Prof. Dr. Peter Martini (Head of Institute, FKIE), Dr. Markus Antweiler (Head of Department Communication Systems, FKIE), Dr. Marc Adrat (Head of Research Group, FKIE)]

If you want to learn more about the ESSOR programme, please visit our website.

Story by OCCAR


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