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Apr 3 2023

ESSOR MIDS System Requirements Review successfully achieved

The ESSOR (European Secure Software-defined Radio) Programme has validated its preliminary design for the EMIDS (ESSOR Multifunctional Information Distribution System) in March 2023, through a successful System Requirements Review (SRR).

The SRR ensured that contractual requirements are properly transferred into technical high-level requirements for the EMIDS SoS (system of systems). The associated documentation is the basis for mutual understanding of the SoS requirements between OCCAR, the Participating States (Germany, France, Italy and Spain), the Main-Contractor (EuroMIDS S.A.S) and the Sub-Contractors (Indra, Hensoldt, Leonardo and Thales).

The next step is the System Design Review (SDR) scheduled by the end of this year to consolidate the Fighter-EMIDS (F-EMIDS) terminal class and the ESSOR L16 WaveForm (EL16WF) requirements. The entry into service of the ESSOR MIDS terminals is planned around 2030.

If you want to learn more about the ESSOR programme, please visit our website.

Story by OCCAR


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Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673