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Apr 19 2023

ESSOR High Data Rate waveform specification under ratification to become STANAG 5651

The ESSOR High Data Rate waveform (EHDRWF) is an innovative waveform, specifically designed for military applications, that ensures interoperability amongst Armed Forces through the portability on software defined radios (provided by different vendors) compliant with the ESSOR architecture.

Considering the multiple benefits of the EHDRWF on the battlefield, NATO decided to adopt the EHDRWF as coalition waveform as STANAG 5651.

The launch of the ratification process was officialised during the NATO Line of Sight Capability Team (LOS CaT) meeting held in Munich, from 11 to 13 April 2023.

All STANAG 5651 related information is now posted on the NATO Standardisation Office (NSO) Website for ratification and the NATO Member Countries are asked to ratify the standard.

The creation of this new standard is a great achievement for the whole ESSOR community, the NATO LOS CaT and for OCCAR, but above all it should in the future contribute to better interoperability of NATO forces during operations.

If you want to learn more about the ESSOR programme, please visit our website.

Story by OCCAR


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