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Sep 24 2024

OCCAR U212NFS In-Service Support presented at S1000D & IPS User Forum 2024

Brussels/Belgium, September 24 – During day two of the S1000D & IPS User Forum 2024 hosted by the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association (ASD), the OCCAR U212NFS Programme Division presented to an audience comprised of top global experts on the topic of Integrated Product Support, in cooperation with FINCANTIERI as the Design authority and IsselNord, a supplier to Fincantieri for the development of an Info-logistic Software, “the adoption of IPS S-Series specifications for the Italian Navy Submarines fleet, a step into the future”.

During his speech, after a brief overview of OCCAR organization, which highlighted its role in managing international cooperative armament programs through a lean, flexible and organized structure, Mr. Marco Cordiviola, OCCAR’s NFS Programme Division In-Service Support Officer, empathized the evolution of the concept of the Italian Navy’s AIP submarine from U212A to U212 NFS. He also demonstrated how the support of the Italian Navy’s Submarines is advancing thanks to the implementation of the comprehensive international S-Series specifications.

As this implementation will be the first of its kind in the naval domain globally, the presentation sparked great interest among the audience, particularly regarding the method of interaction with feedback data and information.

Story by OCCAR


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Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673