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Risk Management Philosophy

Risk Management is an integral part of our core business, not a subsidiary activity.

Risk Management is Top Down led with:

  • BoS/PB level regular reviews and actions; and
  • OCCAR-EA Director’s reviews with senior staff and Programme Managers.

Proactive management with senior staff and Programme Managers held to account to deliver mitigation actions by due dates.

Senior staff and Programme Managers own the risks and provide assessments supported by relevant analysis (e.g. 3-point estimates and Monte Carlo Simulations).

OCCAR-EA uses proven Risk Management methodology:

  • Corporate software tool “Active Risk Manager” (ARM);
  • Risk Manager in each PD (not necessarily full time) with support and overall OCCAR coordination provided by Central Office (PMSD);
  • Promotion of joint risk registers between OCCAR and Contractors; and
  • OCCAR Contracts including Risk Management and Reporting activities as standard clauses.


PO Box 2107
53011 Bonn / Germany

+49 (0) 228 55020


Management System ISO: 9001:2015

Management System
ISO: 9001:2015
ID 9105028673